Monday, June 16, 2008

The Greatest Dads

We sat around in the Sun, Talking and Visiting and Had a Bar-B-Que.

Let me tell you a little about The Two most wonderful Dads..

First is my Dear Father. I love him more than any other Dad in the World.

He has been the best provider, Friend and Protector that you could ever ask for.

He worked his fingers to the bone, so us kids could have all the good things in life.


The Second Greatest Dad.
But the Greatest to My Children is my Dear Hubby.
He is the Best in So many ways.
My dear Hubby makes my Coffee in the Morning.
Takes our 15 year old Daughter to her job on the weekends.
Helps with the Dishes, Laundry And Fixes the Car.

He was teaching our Son to Cut down Trees.
And Teaching him how to drive the truck.
Did I mention He is 9.
I love my Dads They are the greatest..


Anonymous said...

Fun blog! and nice pics. You do have such a great hubby. Keep on a lovin' him!

Amber Strehle said...

Great pics girly!! Glad to see you had an awesome day!! Go Colby Go!