Friday, March 13, 2009


I Love it when the little Crocus poke their little head up.

This year we have snow, so its so much more obvious when it happens. This one is so cute, with its purple little stripes.
It reminds me of how God gives us strength.
How we are so fragile, yet have the strength to push up through the harsh world.
I am always amazed at how much we can endure, and make it through.

This is one of my many Lilacs.

They are my favorite.
I am looking for a really dark purple one.
Anyone got one? I would love a start off of it.

Here are the first of my new raised beds..Emergence you say? Well, its smack dab in the middle of my Lawn (well off the the side). The lawn that I don't want to mow anymore. I want to spend the time, energy and water on raising food. There is a good book you should read on this subject. Its called "Food not Lawn" . Hopefully we get some sun to get rid of the snow. I would really like to finish the new garden.

Happy Spring...

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